Silk Road forums

Discussion => Silk Road discussion => Topic started by: DiMiTriSpice on August 17, 2011, 11:45 pm

Title: I Have an Idea
Post by: DiMiTriSpice on August 17, 2011, 11:45 pm
Ok - so I'm kinda new. But I'm smart. I ship across international borders regularly, and I'm pretty good about it. But hey, we are a big community, with lots of transactions and lots of cash - why don't we start our own shipping company - somthing with three letters ARS or something. It's a very easy thing - a couple of vans or whatnot. Love to hear the voice about this. Peace.
Title: Re: I Have an Idea
Post by: todamnhellit on August 18, 2011, 02:02 am
Seems like a lot of hassle, and then if LE found out they'd get you with drug trafficking. Doesn't really seem worth it, I'm content with USPS. :)
Title: Re: I Have an Idea
Post by: wannabud on August 18, 2011, 02:36 am
Your own private drug shipping company?

That's what I call affront to the system.
Title: Re: I Have an Idea
Post by: chronicpain on August 18, 2011, 02:38 am
Are you talking about a reshipping service or starting up a UPS/Fedex/USPS type business? It would take a hell of a lot more than a couple vans, you would have to have vans in every state. Look as usps, they lose money every year. I used to own a transportation company and as part of it would deliver lost luggage for airlines. I had 10 vehicles and that was for one smaller type metro type area.

I think you would need hundreds of millions of dollars of start up capital and the cajones to run it... Nice concept, now go take another hit off your bong... ;D
Title: Re: I Have an Idea
Post by: Tryptamine on August 18, 2011, 04:27 am
Your own private drug shipping company?

That's what I call affront to the system.

I'm pretty sure Lysander Spooner (the 19th century anarchist, not the SR member) did something similar a while back, and actually out-competed the US postal service.

Title: Re: I Have an Idea
Post by: NevilleNobody on August 18, 2011, 04:44 am
Proxy shipping? That would work. competing with Fedex etc? Hello!
Title: Re: I Have an Idea
Post by: wannabud on August 18, 2011, 07:22 am
Your own private drug shipping company?

That's what I call affront to the system.

I'm pretty sure Lysander Spooner (the 19th century anarchist, not the SR member) did something similar a while back, and actually out-competed the US postal service.
That's what I said.

I didn't know that. In my country (I'm in latin america) is almost prohibited talk about freedom thinkers like Spooner, Murray Rothbard or any austrian/chicago economist.

Not prohibited by law, but by our backward culture.
Title: Re: I Have an Idea
Post by: Rook on August 18, 2011, 07:56 am
I'm game.

With internet/information singularity occurring as fast as it is, it shouldn't be that difficult.
Title: Re: I Have an Idea
Post by: DiMiTriSpice on August 18, 2011, 09:34 am
I don't think it would be difficult. My GF agrees with cronicpain, however I do not. I believe we can do something here and make a difference. Yo tengo muchos cohones. They're fantastic and I intend to use them to destroy everything. Look, I understand anarchy, but wouldn't we be more powerful if we did shit together. Just sayin. I'm just DiMiTri. Peace.

PS - and I took your advice, another hit from the bong ... and it was fantastic ... ha!
Title: Re: I Have an Idea
Post by: DiMiTriSpice on August 18, 2011, 01:57 pm
Of course - vans - just people driving. Super easy. Look - all I believe it takes is a little organization and clear thinking. The governments of the world are killing us with bureaucracy. Wouldn't it be wise to use it against them. I'm just a person, but I believe there are many like minded soles - and we can change shit. Believe that. Peace.
Title: Re: I Have an Idea
Post by: nomad bloodbath on August 18, 2011, 04:34 pm
Of course - vans - just people driving. Super easy. Look - all I believe it takes is a little organization and clear thinking. The governments of the world are killing us with bureaucracy. Wouldn't it be wise to use it against them. I'm just a person, but I believe there are many like minded soles - and we can change shit. Believe that. Peace.

Free hand to the sky!

nomad bloodbath
Title: Re: I Have an Idea
Post by: chronicpain on August 18, 2011, 06:09 pm
First off, I can't believe that Im actually debating this idea, lol. But here are your obstacles. are going to have to have vehicles in every state in the USA, then you will have to have vehicles in every country and vehicles in every city in the world.

2. You will have hundreds, if not thousands of employees. Im betting that you lose 50 percent or more due to theft. If all your employees know that drugs are for sure inside each package?

3. While its nice concept to dream about, I think a re-shipper idea is more plausible. But then again, you are trusting someone else, whom you don't know, with your product.

It would be much easier to say in los angeles and have vehicles that pick up and then deliver it to the customer within a 50 mile radius, do you know what you would have to charge per package? It would have to be more than 50 bucks a piece, most likely much more.

I'm all for entrepreneurship, but what you are proposing is a billion dollar idea, literally...Plus, if you got to be  bigger than 5 vehicles, don you think that LE would easily figure out what you are doing? The only way is to start up a legit service like a new fedex as a cover. i can just see it now, your driver and a passenger with a van full of narcotics and then the red and blue lights  light up behind you, I can envision a "Holy shit, we are busted look"

I'm sorry, but I just don't see how it can work and do it with out a ton of capital. even if you do, try keeping your business under the radar. just isn't going to happen. I would love if it could be, but it just aint going to happen, sorry...Now, reshipping on the other hand, that MIGHT be plausible. Trust me, im an optomist, but I just don't see how this would work and be successful.

Let me know when you get this up and running, I would like to see the your business model. I could barely make a profit with my lost luggage delivery service. I would get paid between 20-100 bucks a bag, depending on where it had to be delivered. with only one airline, I had about 10 vehicles and there was no way I could go more than a couple hundred miles away from the airport. I eventually had to give it up because I was losing too much money. I guess you could get a taxi network going. Have one taxi hand it off to another taxi, etc. but the costs are going to be so high, it just wouldnt be worth it. Plus, with usps/fedex/ups how can you compete with their prices and delivery times?